An Update with Dog Training Expert, Mark Hines

Mark Hines is internationally recognized as the KONG Company's Lead Behavior and Training Specialist. In his roll with the KONG Company over the past 2 decades, Mark works with veterinarians, behaviorists, breeders, shelters, and a wide variety of trainers. He also provides training and consultation for various branches of military and law enforcement K-9 units.

In your opinion, is there one ideal dog training method?

Reward-based training.

What behaviors are these COVID dogs displaying?

Dogs that have missed out on early socialization often become over-aroused, and exhibit fearful, anxious, or aggressive behaviors around unfamiliar dogs and people.

What is your advice for owners whose pets may have had limited socialization in his or her first year of life?

If your dog shows signs of fear, anxiety, or stress in the beginning stages of the socialization process it's best to have a few sessions with a qualified dog trainer or behavior specialist. Early help can save you from considerably bigger issues down the road.

Do you have advice for pet owners who are trying to choose a suitable trainer or training class to join?

The veterinary clinics is a good source for recommendations on trainers. Another great source is through professional pet dog trainer organizations like the Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia (APDT) and the Pet Professional Guild Australia (PPG).

Separation anxiety is on the rise with many pet owners returning to work. What is a dog trainer's approach to dealing with separation anxiety?

Approximately 14 percent of dogs have some degree of separation anxiety ranging from mild to extreme and everything in between. The treatments for separation anxiety can be just as wide-ranging. Dog trainers work in conjunction with the veterinarian to get the pet owner started in the right direction. Always seek help from people with experience in this area and refer when you are unsure.

In your opinion, what is the most common behavioral problem in dogs?

Barking, not coming when called, urinating/defecating in the house, pulling on the leash, getting in trash or getting up on counters and tables, destructive chewing, over-aroused and no impulse control, aggressive towards unfamiliar dogs and people. All the above are common behavioral issues.

How do you advise pet owners to manage the above problem in their dogs?

I believe dogs are the biggest thieves in the world because wherever they're found they steal people's hearts. So, enjoy every minute of the unconditional love they give so freely. Being consistent, setting boundary's, good timing, patience, lots of exercise, seeking out help in books and online, and starting with some basic training with a professional, are all good advice.

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